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The New TL Charcoal Machine

Energy-saving equipment charcoal production processes: material crushing, drying, forming rods, charring. Major equipment: disposal, dryer, rods machine, carbonization furnaces.Energy-saving equipment including charcoal rods machine and dryer, charcoal manufacturing special machinery. Dryer, automatic cutting and drying again, the exhaust port is not channeling material, a gate not spray material nature whereabouts for four sets of rods can produce automatic temperature control system of rods, ready to adjust the rod the density, this technology can not only guarantee the quality bar. Branches, leaves, sawdust and other agricultural do things as raw material, after crushing pressure, increasing the frequency shaping, because they can replace the traditional coal, so called "straw charcoal."

1. The product is designed to create reliable, simple structure, easy operation, small size, small footprint, labor, energy saving features.
2. The design of automatic control of electric heating devices, randomly adjust the humidity of materials, to ensure that the material forming stability, improve work efficiency.
3. The product uses the main part of wear-resistant material with a special treatment, it is possible to suppress the production of continuous and durable.
4. For a variety of biomass raw materials pressing, and energy consumption, high production efficiency.
5. Three of the movement to change the old-fashioned four bearings to increase the carbon. Charcoal production line 24 hours, day and night, making money, is a manifestation of charcoal technologically advanced, is clear evidence of the excellent quality of the machine.

Charcoal basic indicators:
Data: about 85% carbon content, calorific 8000Kca / kg, moisture 4-5% due to the use of different materials and different carbonization process, the relevant data will vary, generally higher than in the low temperature carbon values ??charcoal, sawdust as raw materials The mechanism of carbon-based material values ??higher than straw
Products, charcoal hard texture of raw material is higher than the carbon raw material loose texture. Price of 2,500-3,000 yuan / ton. Profit is very impressive, less than six months can recover the full investment. At present, the domestic market demand charcoal, only annual domestic demand amounted to more than twenty million tons, and can be exported, the company also acquired all the products.

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Homepage/ http://www.charcoalequipment.com